After working with children for six years, Paper For Water realized that we were informally teaching them how to become philanthropists. Our young volunteers are currently educated on the world water crises; they are then equipped with the means to make a difference, in our case creating beautiful, handmade origami ornaments that will be sold, and they learn about selling and marketing. We believe a world in which children feel more ownership in creating change will be a better world to live in. When they are born, children have a desire to help. Too often this desire isn’t nurtured. Paper For Water is introducing kids to use their talents and skills to make a difference. Paper For Water helps children learn how using their passion to act and serve can create change. Years of hands-on experience have helped us understand how to work children in a way that meets the needs for intentionally teaching young minds the importance of philanthropy and business preparation.

- posted by Paper For Water
- Written on Feb 26, 2018 | Updated on Apr 08, 2019