When sisters Katherine and Isabelle Adams were 5 and 8 years old, they learned that millions of people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water. This knowledge had a profound impact on them, and they decided they wanted to make a difference. They made handcrafted origami that they would exchange for donations to build a water well for a community in Ethiopia. With this decision in 2011, Paper For Water was founded. In that original project, their goal was to raise $500. After it was completed, they had raised almost $10,000. Since then, they haven’t stopped. To date, these two girls, who are now 11 and 13, have worked with hundreds of volunteers to raise over a million dollars and have helped fund over 120 water projects in 13 countries, including Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, India, Mexico, Uganda, Peru, and Zimbabwe. While we effect change abroad, we are also working to create a local movement in our North Texas community. To be more precise, Paper For Water: • Provides access to clean water and sanitation for the global poor worldwide; • Educates others about the world water crisis; • Promotes servant leaders who follow Christ’s message to serve with joy and compassion; • Uses the creativity and energy of our local community to connect individuals and transform the world; • Emphasizes character building through living a meaningful and purposeful life; • Equips and develops leaders; and • Empowers an entrepreneurial spirit that seeks solutions for the world’s problems.

BACKGROUND A Small Project, A Big Idea
- posted by Paper For Water
- Written on Mar 02, 2018 | Updated on Apr 08, 2019